Haluk Camcigil - Senior Consultant

Mobility Planning Team

Image of Haluk Camcigil

Throughout my work, I’ve looked at transport infrastructure not just as a means of getting people from one place to another but how it can be planned to enhance our experience of a city. Whether it’s the re-purposing of a road corridor to a light rail line or re-allocating road space to pedestrians and bike users, the way we allocate space for transport impacts our quality of life and health.

With a degree in Civil and Environmental Engineering, I have been working as a transport planner since 2007. Based in the UAE for the first 10 years of my career, I worked on planning transport infrastructure throughout the Middle East on some of the region’s most iconic projects such as Yas Island and the revitalization of Dubai’s Historic District.

I moved to Australia in 2017 where I spent six years focusing on planning active and public transport in Sydney. I led teams tasked with prioritizing infrastructure investments to make it easier and safer for students to walk and cycle to school. Similarly, I worked on ways of reimagining the areas around railway stations across Sydney to enhance multi modal access to them.

Most recently, I led the first phase of the development of a strategic bicycle network for a region of Sydney that is home to two million people. Planning bicycle infrastructure is one of my key areas of interest and I’ve worked on retrofitting cycleways onto multiple streets in Sydney’s business district.

I strongly believe in transport infrastructure’s ability to shape our cities and create attractive urban environments and look to apply this philosophy on all the work that I do.

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