MIC-HUB is working in Salalah area, Oman

MIC-HUB was in Oman to participate in several meetings, public presentations and workshops of the Greater Salalah Structure Plan and the Salalah New City projects.


During the recent trip we took part in a visioning workshop and a stakeholder engagement workshop to present the initial ideas of the Greater Salalah Structure Plan and the concept masterplan of Salalah New City.


The activity days were well attended by the public, stakeholders and partners whose opinions and suggestions on the activities and projects were garnered through workshops, interactive sessions and public presentations.


The Greater Salalah Structure Plan Area includes several important nodes and economic hubs. Urban nodes include the City of Salalah, the City of Taqah and Salalah New City. The Plan will address key planning challenges to leave a lasting positive impact on the built environment and ecological health of the region.


The vision for Salalah New City is to create a city that exemplifies resilience, equity, accessibility, livability and economic diversity.


The two projects present a vision for a sustainable and prosperous future for Salalah and will fulfil the objectives of Oman Vision 2040: “The Strategy was developed as a 20-year planning framework aiming to deliver a better balance between social, economic, environmental and physical development at a strategic scale. It ensures that cities are future-proofed against climate change and competitive in nature. It provides clear answers to the residents of Oman on where they should live, where they should work, what kind of employment opportunities they will have, how they will travel and what kind of environment they will be living in, as a basis for the generations to come.”

His Excellency Dr Khalfan Al Shueili, Minister of Housing and Urban Planning.

Situated on the south-east coast of Oman, Salalah is the third largest city in Oman. It is an important touristic area that is rapidly expanding and growing.

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