Claudio Minelli - COO

Partner, Chief Operative Officer

Image of Claudio Minelli

I am a charted civil engineer with major in transportation who has worked in private sector transport consultancy for almost twenty years. I am currently a Partner and the COO of MIC-HUB, working with responsibility for business development, project direction, project management and client relations.

Our clients comprise, private sectors developers, public bodies, public transport companies and infrastructure providers and my areas of expertise transport impact assessments, traffic engineering, transport modelling and strategic transport master planning. However, in the last few years my focus shifted towards institutional clients and the work has growingly centred on the integration of land use planning and transport policy, sustainable mobility, public transport planning and operations.

Between 2017 and 2019 I acted Transport Expert at the Ministry of Infrastructure of the Republic of Rwanda where I was responsible for the preparation of the National Transport Policy. Since 2018 I held team leadership roles on various projects that MIC-HUB has been doing for the Sustainable Mobility Unit of Public Works Department of the Ministry of Transport in Cyprus.

I have experience in international projects spanning the six continents and have had experience in several Mega Projects in the MENA region, Institutional work in Europe and Africa, Master planning in Europe and in the USA (Miami, New York, Philadelphia and the Silicon Valley) and, lately, public transport projects in Italy.

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