Mario Castangia - Senior Consultant

Mobility Planning Team

Image of Mario Castangia

I hold a Laurea (BSc + Msc) in Environmental Engineering from University of Cagliari and a MSc in Sustainable Development from University College London.

Since my graduation in 1998, I consult primarily in the field of Strategic Transport Planning and Transport Modelling.

I have knowledge of, and experience on, Econometric Behavioural Models, Multicriteria Assessment Models, implementation of transport-oriented GIS platforms, traffic assessments studies and models in projects of urban development planning. Some of my works include the modelling of a PRT system for Masdar City, Abu Dhabi (UAE), the development of a EU-funded governance platform for cities for CO2 reduction in transport, and the coordination of the mobility strategies for the Luanda Province Masterplan. I am currently part of the Greater Muscat Structure Plan team.

I very much enjoy working in team, biking, and doing long walks in nature.

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