Poorva Nagesh - Junior GIS Analyst

Mobility Planning Team

Image of Poorva Nagesh

I am a geographer from India, and my passion for urban geography led me to pursue a master's degree in Urban Planning and Policy Design at Politecnico di Milano. My deep-rooted interests have always revolved around the art of map-making, geospatial data, and other fields of geography. Studying urban planning has provided me with a platform to channel my enthusiasm for maps within this field.

My curiosity and keen observation skills have fueled my interest in understanding how cities evolve, grow, and develop, especially in terms of how people navigate and move within cities. This is a subject I am continually eager to explore. Fortunately, one of my semester courses delved into transport planning, offered me a real-life perspective on the intricacies of transportation and mobility planning. This experience deepened my desire to learn more about this field.

I had the privilege of participating in a workshop conducted by MIC-HUB at my school, which ultimately paved the way for me to join the planning team at MIC-HUB as a junior GIS Analyst. This opportunity allows me to simultaneously pursue both of my passions, leading to a more promising career and a brighter future.

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