Sepehr Khaleghian - Consultant
Transport Modelling Team

Joining MIC-HUB gives me the opportunity to contribute to social welfare and progress by participating in climate change discourse through the development of innovative transport systems. Specifically, my role involves collaborating on the development of macroscopic transport models at the national or urban scale, which assist stakeholders and decision-makers in adopting strategies for transit-oriented development and ultimately moving towards a more sustainable and green future.
I hold a Bachelor's degree in Civil Engineering from the Baha'i Institute for Higher Education in Iran, and I graduated with honors in 2021 with a Master's Degree in Transport Systems Engineering from Sapienza University of Rome in Italy. After two years of experience as a Transport Modelling Engineer, working on dynamic real-time transport models and strategic freight/passenger transport modeling projects in the UK and the Middle East, I proudly joined the transport modeling team at MIC-HUB in 2023.
During my leisure time, I enjoy playing piano, listening to classical and jazz music, exploring nature, traveling, and spending time with friends.