Timur Kadyrov - Senior Consultant
Mobility Planning Team

I’m an urban planner and architect with wide experience in public administration work and transportation planning background. I graduated in Politecnico di Milano (POLIMI) as an M.Sc. in Urban planning and policy design. Also, I was a member of Alta scuola politecnica (ASP).
After that, I worked in different studios as a planner and project manager (in ARCHEM and Studio Bernardo Secchi & Paola Viganò). Where projects like “New Moscow” international competition or Stavros Niarchos Cultural Center in Athens helped me to manage planning team’s work regarding different scales.
As an architect, I got my specialist degree in Kazan (Russia) and worked for 7 years as a Deputy chief architect in Kazan city Municipality. During this time I contributed to the development of Kazan Masterplan, City zoning plan and other urban and architectural projects and territories’ development. I founded Urban and transport planning bureau of Kazan that experienced in traffic simulations, urban concepts development, transportation project’s assessments.
My professional skills as team leader were developed on the “My Street” urban design regeneration project in Moscow (KB “Strelka”) and during my experience as a tutor at the educational leadership program “Architects.RF”.
Starting implementation of my multidisciplinary approach as an architect, urban and transportation planner from the projects of all over the world, to give my contribution in MIC-HUB on the world’s most challenging, complex and mainstream project for urban development on national scale.