Transport Planning: from Theory to Practice, Politecnico di Milano

We are delighted to present the 2024 edition of ‘Transport Planning: from Theory to Practice’! The workshop held by MIC-HUB and mobilità in città foundation at Politecnico di Milano.


Mobility is essential to people’s daily lives, providing access to resources and opportunities. However, the unequal distribution of mobility resources exacerbates social exclusion and systemic inequalities, disproportionately affecting marginalised communities.


Transport Planning: from Theory to Practice is an intensive two-week transdisciplinary active workshop which will explore the theoretical and practical strategies necessary to operate a transformative research process.


In this workshop, participants will gain an in-depth understanding of the role of transport planning in promoting sustainable, liveable and equitable communities. By examining the spatial distribution of road crashes involving marginalised micromobility users, they will uncover socio-economic and demographic factors that contribute to social segregation within micromobility spaces.


This year, the study group will support the ongoing research in the Corvetto area of Milan. In particular, participants will analyse the spatial distribution of traffic accidents involving marginalised micromobility users in order to understand the socio-economic and demographic settings of accident distribution.


The workshop will address mobility injustice in planning, design, and policy-making, which seek road safety without addressing structural issues.


Participants will engage in action research to uncover local experiences, subsequently producing epistemological sets of knowledge to pass on to the local community as a tool for self-development.



This is a two-week workshop, requiring daily participation from 9.30 am to 6.00 pm.

A detailed program will be provided to selected participants.



To be selected, send an updated CV and a letter of interest as soon as possible and no later than 20th May, 2024 to Applicants will be notified of the results of the selection process no later than 24th May, 2024.



Promotors: Prof. Andrea Arcidiacono (Polimi), Prof. Carolina Pacchi (Polimi), Federico Parolotto (MIC-HUB), Delia Valastro (MIC-HUB), Gaia Sgaramella (MIC-HUB), together with mobilità in città foundation and many other instructors and guest speakers.

Location: Politecnico di Milano

CFU: 4 credits workshop


The workshop will be conducted in English and is open to students of the following courses:

– L21 Urbanistica: Città Ambiente Paesaggio

– LM4 Architettura – Ambiente Costruito – Interni – Architecture – Built Environment – Interiors

– LM4 Architettura e Disegno Urbano – Architecture and Urban Design

– LM4 Sustainable Architecture and Landscape Design – Architettura Sostenibile e Progetto del Paesaggio

– LM48 Urban Planning and Policy Design – Pianificazione Urbana e Politiche Territoriali

Are you interested in how research can generate safe and socially equitable development? Write us to know more about Transport Planning: from Theory to Practice

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